Field programmable gate array( FPGA) is a fully fabricated IC chip in which the interconnections can be programmed to implement different functions. An FPGA chip has thousands of logic gates which are to be connected to be implement any logic function. A typical FPGA architecture is shown in fig. It has the following three main components:

1.  1.   I/O buffers

2.   2.  Array of configurable logic blocks(CLBs)

3.     3. Programmable interconnects.



Fig:Typical FPGA architecture

Picture Source/courtesy: wikipedia

In the FPGA- based design ,first a behavioural netlist is written to describe the functionally of the design. This is done using the hardware description languages such as Verilog or VHDL. Then the netlist is synthesized to come up with the gate level design. The next step is to map the logic blocks in to available lpgic cells. This progress is called the technology – mapping. This is followed by placement and routine, which configures the CLBs and defines interconnections. The next step is to generate the bit -stream and download the bit -sream in to an FPGA chip with the help of a software interface. Then the FPGA chip can function has desired as long as the power is ON, or it is reprogrammed.



Purchased from vendor as a standarard part, then programmed by the user.

Mae to customer -specification by the vendor.

No production set -up costs ( fist unit costs the same as subsequent units)

High production set-up costs ( often in the $100,000range)

Fast turn around time ( can be programmed  in a matter of minutes)

Slow turn around time ( often at least 6 weeks)

Relatively high per unit cost and low capability per chip

Lower per unit cost-good for high volume production.

Design requires mostly writing HDL code (inVHDL or Verilog)

Design often requires knowledge of physical layout ofsilicon inside the IC

                               TABLE: COMPARISON BETWEEN FPGA AND ASIC



Performance depend on the routing implemented for a particular application.

Predictable performance independent of internal placement and routine.

Functionally is implemented by lookup tables

Functionally is implemented by PAL-like structures

Suitable for medium t high density designs

Suitable for low to medium density design.

More complex and register – rich architecture.

Regular PAL-like architecture.

Channel – based interconnection fabric.

Crossbar type interconnection fabric.

Can be programmed as many times as possible.

Can be reprogrammed a limited number of times.

                                          TABLE: COMARISON BETWEEN FPGA AND CPLD


In the gate array (GA) structure, the transistors are fabricated on the silicon water. But the interconnections are not fabricated. The metal mask layer are customized to define the interconnections between  the transistors for a targated functionally. It can also be used for the prototype development in short time. Ranked after the FPGA. GA- based design time typically varies from a few days to a few weeks.

3.Standard cell – based design:

The standard cell – based integrated circuit refers to a class of integrated circuits which uses the  predesigned ,pre-tested, and pre- characterized standard cells. The standard cells include basic gates (AND ,OR, NAND, NOR, XOR ,XNOR ,NOT, etc), some mega cells ( such as multiplexer, full-adder, decoder, etc.) sequential elements ( such as D flip-flop, scan-FF, flip-flop with direct set/ reset/ clear inputs, registers, etc), input -output buffers ( I/O Cells), and some special cells, All these standard cells are designed , tested, and characterizes and put in a database which is known as a standard cell library.

 In the standard cell – based architecture, the standard cells are placed in rows to build the integrated circuits chip. However, this design style also include the already designed mega modules or fixed blocks.


In the full- custom design, the designers to not use the pre- designed standard cell library. Instead , they design the entire chip from the scratch. As each and every part is designed in this   approach  the chip are highly optimized for area , power and delay.





 Picture Source/courtesy: wikipedia

Hence , a full custom design is always superior to any other design style . however, full-custom design cycle time is higher compared to other design styles. Full – custom design style is used for high   performance and high  volume products.


In this style of design , all most all the basic building block are used from the standard cells liabrary. Only few cells are designed from the begning, which are not available in this standard cell liabrary or to be optimized for a specific target. The approach is faster compare  to full- custom style but slower than the standard cell base design. Performance -wise also, it is superior to the standard cell – based design but inferior to the full custom designed


Programmable logic device (PLDs) are standard products, which can be programmed to optained the desire functionality required for a specific application . the programing can be either by the end user or by the manufacturer. The PLDs which are programed by the manufacturer are known as mask- programmable logic device ( MPLDs) . the PLDs , which are programed by end user are called field – programmable logic device (PLDs) . the architecture of PLDs is very regular an fixe .It can not be changed ny the end user. The PLDs having wide range of application and have lo  risk and cost in manufacturing in large volume. Hence, the PLDs are chipper. As the PLDs are remanufactured , tested, and placed in inventory in andvance, the design cycle time is very short. The PLDs are classified as 3 chatagories based on architecture and programe ability.

1: read only memory ( ROM)

2: programmable array logic (PAL)



Rohan Awale


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